We help caregivers who are struggling with engaging both children and their loved ones with Alzheimer's, or any type of dementia, have meaningful interactions


create positive family experiences

and lasting memories.

Download Our Free Toolkit to get started now.

Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's

a digital, video-based Program and a picture book

for Caregivers & their families

Featuring information, tips & activities to create positive memories

with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia

Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's

Awareness Program (MMAAP)

Mackenzie Meets

Alzheimer's Disease

Picture Book

The MMAAP is a digital, 5-video Alzheimer's Awareness program that provides information, tips, and activities for caregivers and their families, including children, that help them have meaningful interactions from diagnosis through the severe stage.

The Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Picture Book is a picture book with a free download link of the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Disease Story Song whose lyrics are the text for the book. It is a gentle introduction to Alzheimer's disease for young children.

Meet The Co-creators

Alder Allensworth & Brenda Freed

Your experts in Alzheimer's Education

They combined their skills in music therapy, counseling, education, writing, publishing, songwriting and recording, to co-create the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Awareness Program (MMAAP) and Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Picture Book. From diagnosis through the severe stage, let us help your family have meaningful interactions with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s, create positive memories, and successfully incorporate your children into the care.

The MMAAP is perfect

for you if you're:

  • a parent caring for both a young child and a family member with Alzheimer's,

  • an educator seeking resources for children dealing with familial Alzheimer's, or

  • a healthcare professional looking for supportive tools for family education.

Sue Ryan

TEDx, MS, ICF, NLP, ILEC, 3-time international best-selling author, Caregiving Industry Influencer  

Naples, Florida

The educational video series in the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Awareness Program is a gift to families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease and children who are experiencing the changes in, for example, their grandparents. It can easily be broken down into small segments for children to watch a little at a time

The video for the responsible adult is powerful! It’s filled with education as well as detailed examples for how they can provide family Alzheimer’s support for both the loved one with Alzheimer’s disease AND their children.   

For children, it’s a valuable blend of the following: Alzheimer’s education offered at a level young people can understand; suggestions for activities families can do together with the loved one who has the disease; being open about the challenges of the disease; giving children permission to feel emotions including anger, fear, confusion and sadness, and helping them appropriately express those emotions.

For children, it’s a valuable blend of the following: Alzheimer’s education offered at a level young people can understand; suggestions for activities families can do together with the loved one who has the disease; being open about the challenges of the disease; giving children permission to feel emotions including anger, fear, confusion and sadness, and helping them appropriately express those emotions. The graphics in the videos beautifully reflect the information presented. The video for the responsible adult is powerful! It’s filled with education as well as detailed examples for how they can provide family Alzheimer’s support for both the loved one with Alzheimer’s disease AND their children.   

David's Ducks for Dementia

David is the creator of Ducks For Dementia,

a 501c3  non-profit charity


10-year-old David awards "Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's" a 5-star review for its impactful book and videos on dementia awareness. The book, with its engaging illustrations, activities, and music, makes understanding dementia accessible to kids, fostering crucial conversations. David appreciated how the videos combined clear, informative content with practical tips, emphasizing the importance of working together to create a safe, caring, and joyful environment for those affected by the condition. Additionally, the series includes a helpful video for adults and sandwich caregivers, offering them essential guidance. This comprehensive approach makes the series a key resource for families navigating Alzheimer's, educating everyone from children to adult caregivers.-Pam (husband and mother diagnosed with Alzheimer’s) and raising her 11 year old son,David.David is the creator of Ducks For Dementia, a 501c3  non-profit charity.www.DucksForDementia.com

From The Blog

Please Be patient with us. We care uploading our blogs and

should have them ready by the beginning of April.

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Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's

FREE Toolkit For Caregivers

And Their Families

A guide with tools to help caregivers engage kids in understanding and positively interacting with a loved one

with Alzheimer's. The toolkit is full of information, tips & activities

to empower the caregiver.

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