Reasons to Educate Children about Alzheimer’s Disease
Reason #1 - So that children will be comfortable around and interacting with a person who has Alzheimer’s (See January's Blog)
February Reason #2: Caregiving Creates Compassion in Children
Research shows that children who are incorporated into the care of their elders grow up to becomes compassionate adults.
Story: Alder cared for her mom who had Alzheimer’s disease. Alder’s nieces and nephews came to visit their Gran (Alder’s mom) periodically over the course of the disease. One of the favorite activities the grandchildren liked to do with their Gran was to have a tea party with everything served on the good china. The grandchildren participated by setting the table and assisting with making fun little sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cookies, and tea and presenting them on pretty platters. They had fun learning proper etiquette, totally unaware that they were learning an important life skill. After the tea, they assisted with clearing the table and doing the dishes. As the Alzheimer’s progressed, Gran could do less and less and of course, the children were getting older, so they could do more. It was wonderful watching the children keep this family tradition going, and their Gran had a blast.
What is too much responsibility to put on a child and what is not enough?
Information: According to P.L. East (2010) in the article Children’s Provision of Family Caregiving: Benefit or Burden?, “Caring for a family member who needs support can help a young person develop life skills such as household management, empathy, and resilience.”
On the other hand, if the care demands on a child are too great this can lead to anxiety and depression according to the National Alliance for Caregiving, in collaboration with “Young Caregivers in the US, Findings from a National Survey 2005.”
Most children want to help. As the responsible adult, it’s important to keep in mind the ability level of the children and the care needs of the loved one who has Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia. Engage children in activities to assist them in understanding the world in which their loved one lives. Below are activities in which children of any age can participate with their loved one to create positive memories together.
Tips: First, it’s important to assist your child in developing empathy for what your loved one is going through. Second, engage the child to let you know what care and activities they are comfortable participating in.
Activity: Your freebie this month is a downloadable PDF to help you incorporate your child into the care of a loved one who has Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia.
1) Have a tea party!
2) Download our Free PDF, Incorporating Your Child Into The Care Of Your Loved One Who Has Alzheimer’s Or Any Type Of Dementia.
3) Schedule times to do the sensory deprivation activity and other activities on the PDF.
4) Purchase the MMAAP https://www.mackenziemeetsalzheimers.com/store to get even more information, tips and activities to incorporate children into the care of your loved one who has Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia.
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