Reasons to Educate Children about Alzheimer's Disease
#1 - So that children will be comfortable around and interacting with a person who has Alzheimer’s (See January’s Blog)
#2 - Teaching children compassion (See February’s Blog)
#3 - Creating a schedule teaches children how to create a safe supportive environment in which they can thrive (See March’s Blog)
#4 - To prepare children to adapt to future changes that occur in life (See April’s Blog)
#5 - Preservation of Memories (see May’s Blog)
Reason # 6 - Knowledge of Alzheimer's disease promotes inclusivity by teaching children the importance of treating everyone with respect, regardless of their cognitive abilities.
Story: Alder’s mom was transitioning into the Severe Stage of Alzheimer’s in a memory care facility. She was in a wheelchair and not talking or interacting much with anyone. One Sunday afternoon, Alder’s brother, sister-in-law and granddaughter came to visit while Alder and her husband Ben on guitar performed songs for all the residents at the memory care facility. After the songfest they took her mom back to her room in her wheelchair. Her mom turned to her granddaughter, took her hand and started singing to her. Her mom was never a singer but she was making up the words and the tune as she went along. Everyone was stunned. What a special memory for the family. Alder wishes she had a video of that precious moment.
Information: Severe Stage, or sometimes called late stage, Alzheimer’s can last for several months or for up to three years. In this stage your loved one is confined to a wheelchair or bed. When someone is in bed and minimally responsive, we tend to assume they can’t participate in family life. But it’s still important to include them in any way possible.
It’s important to teach your child about this late stage of the disease, when to seek the help of a responsible adult, and activities they can do with their loved one.
We have created a PDF for you to download called “Including Children in the Care of a Loved One with Severe Stage Alzheimer’s Disease.” Download it and keep it handy so you can refer to it.
Signs of Severe Stage Alzheimer’s disease include:
- Losing the ability to walk
- Losing the ability to talk
- Sleeping a lot
- Losing the ability to eat
- Needing 24-hour care
- Needing end of life care
Activities To Do with Someone in the Severe Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease:
- Sing their favorite songs and dance for them.
- Hold their hand.
- Tell them a story about your day.
- Make a card to give them, or to send to their nursing home.
- Draw pictures for them and put the pictures where they can see them.
- Help make a favorite food for them.
- Make a memory book, or use one you made for them in the mild or moderate stage.
Here are situations when a child should be taught to get a responsible adult to help.
- When the person who has Alzheimer’s disease needs to eat
- When you notice a physical change, such as when the person with Alzheimer’s starts to breathe differently
- When you realize the person who has the disease may have wet or soiled their clothes
- When the person who has Alzheimer’s is trying to get out of bed, but you know they can’t walk
- When the person with Alzheimer’s disease becomes restless
Each situation is different and you may have to add to this list.
Actions: Download the PDF “Including Children in the Care of a Loved One with Severe Stage Alzheimer’s Disease” and watch the Severe Stage Alzheimer’s Disease Video on inclusivity with your child and talk about ways they can participate in the care of their loved one in that stage. Help them have a relationship with their loved one so they both feel included. Keep the PDF handy and conveniently refer to it.
Get the PDF and video downloads here.
At the bottom of this blog in the comments section, please feel free to ask questions or share some of your experiences with your loved one in the Severe Stage. Were you able to include your children? Thank you in advance for including us in your experience.
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or the Program Bundle that best fits your situation.
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