Make the Most of Your MMAAProgram
People are asking about the best way to use the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Awareness Program (MMAAP). Here are our suggestions by age group.
For Adult Caregivers
For the most effective implementation of the MMAAP, we suggest that you as the responsible adult initially watch this 26-minute Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease for the Responsible Adult with Children video. There are two reasons for this. First, it provides information, tips for talking to children about Alzheimer’s disease and activities for each stage of the disease. The tips and activities help children have successful interactions and create positive memories with the person who has the disease. Second, when you watch the other four videos with your children, you will not be hearing the information for the first time.
Toddlers through Pre-K
If the child is a toddler through pre-k, start with the animated Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Story Song Video. Click this link and watch it for free: .https://youtu.be/6d9TbKWFPtM This animated video is the perfect introduction to Alzheimer’s for young children.
Ideally, the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Picture Book released on Amazon in July 2023 is the next step. A free download link for the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Story Song used in the animated video is included with the book. The lyrics for the song are the text for the Picture Book. The song will be familiar if the animated video was watched first.
Adults can
- read the picture book to their children and look at the pictures,
- follow along in the book while listening to the downloadable song,
- or sing along as they read the book.
Blank pages are provided in the back of the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Picture Book for children to draw their own monsters to assist them in coping with the disease. Also included with the picture book is a discount code for 50% off of the MMAAProgram from www.MackenzieMeetsAlzheimers.com.
If the child has language, watch the What is Alzheimer’s Disease? video next to help the youngster understand what is happening in the brain of their loved one who has Alzheimer’s, or any type of dementia. There is a free link to watch this video at the end of this blog.
If the child does not yet have language, as the responsible adult, watch all the videos, including the three videos about the stages of the disease, so you have a deeper understanding of each stage without the tips for adults included in the Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease for the Responsible Adult with Children video. The Mild, Moderate and Severe stage videos will make you aware of what behaviors the child might notice and to which they might react. For example, the child might show fear or curiosity, or might not want to share a toy. This is an opportunity for the responsible adult to guide and support the child on how to interact with the person in a loving manner.
5 years-old and above
If the child is 5-years-old or above and accustomed to watching videos, it might be most appealing to start with the animated Story Song video because it’s basically watching a 6-minute cartoon. If the child is a beginning reader, start with either the animated Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Story Song Lyric Video or the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Diseases Picture Book so the child can read the lyrics during the video, or just read the book with or without the song being played.
Once the child has been introduced to Alzheimer’s with the picture book or animated video (with or without lyrics), go to the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Educational Video Series and watch the 6-minute What is Alzheimer’s Disease? video next. It is a great visual demonstration of what happens in the brain of someone who has the disease. All the steps that have to happen from the thought of wanting milk to actually pouring it into the glass are visually demonstrated. This video evokes great conversation and understanding of the disease and should be the first video the child watches before learning about the stages of the disease.
The next video to watch should be the one targeted at the stage of the disease their loved one is currently in: Mild Stage Alzheimer’s Disease, Moderate Stage Alzheimer’s Disease or Severe Stage Alzheimer’s Disease.
However, the videos do build on each other and similar behaviors might be seen across the stages. In fact, at the beginning of each video, it is suggested for the viewer to watch the previous videos. So, if any of the videos are skipped, it would help the child understand the progression of the disease to go back and watch all previous videos over time.
Regardless of the order the videos are watched, have a discussion with the child after each video to answer any questions they might have. Discussion topics include:
- information they have learned about the disease
- changes in behavior they are seeing with their loved one
- times to come and get you if the behavior is frightening or making the child uncomfortable
- tips to make interactions enJOYable
- fun activities they can do with their loved one.
Download the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Quick Reference Guide for the Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Disease Educational Video Series so the behaviors, tips and activities for each stage are at your fingertips.
The Curious Adult
We have recently added our Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer’s Awareness Program for the Curious Adult purchase option. We have discovered adults want the MMAAP for their own information. The Program gives adults who are concerned about their own brain health, or the brain health of a loved one, valuable information on Alzheimer's disease from diagnosis through the severe stage. It is effective for all types of dementia. We suggest curious adults start with the What is Alzheimer’s Disease? video and then watch each of the 3 other videos about the progression of the disease in succession.
In General
There is a place in each module of the MMAAP to make comments and ask questions. We continually monitor this and are pleased to respond. You will see other comments and questions from people who have been watching the videos and this sharing community is a great place of support.
As promised above, your gift this month is the opportunity to watch the video What is Alzheimer’s Disease? for free. Alzheimer’s is explained in terms anyone can understand. Just click this link to access your free video https://www.mackenziemeetsalzheimers.com/pl/2147838215
Purchase the entire Mackenzie Meets Alzheimer's Awareness Program,
or the Program Bundle that best fits your situation.
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